Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Critics of Change sometimes add value

July 24, 2012

We all know managing change is challenging, and that one of the major issues to deal with are those who resist change.  Sometimes that resistance is simply out of fear, sometimes due to misunderstanding the change, sometimes because folks view the change as negative for them.  However, sometimes those critics have valid concerns that when addressed add value to the process.  Don’t Dismiss Critics of Change- Not everyone will be excited about change. People who resist are often perceived as inflexible obstacles to overcome. But don’t think of them simply as barriers to success. While some people do undermine change efforts, it is shortsighted to think everyone will, or even want to. Try to understand why people are resistant. Ask what they are concerned about and listen to their criticism. Doing so may uncover valid concerns that need to be addressed. Put everyone’s perspectives to use and make resisters a part of the solution.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

5th Edition PMBOK Guide Exposure Draft

The 5th Edition PMBOK Guide Exposure Draft is out; see the link for Andy Crowe's analysis.  If history is a guide, we might expect to see it formally published the beginning of 2013, and something like a 6 mo. period after that to be able to take the PMP exam based on the now existing 4th ed.  If your thinking of taking the PMP exam and have already studied the existing edition, your probably better off completing your PMP under the 4th ed.