Monday, June 1, 2009

Passed PMP, My Lesson's Learned

{Posted from PMHub:}

Mon Jun 1, 2009 12:20 am (PDT)

Hello All,

I passed my PMP on May 23rd. I was a silent member of this forum and this forum helped me a lot to pass the certification. For me in the exam I got more questions on Organizational Structures, Procurement Management and Scope Management. I was able to complete the exam in 3 hours with one break of 5 minutes. I took another 30 minutes to answer the questions which I marked for review. I finally submitted my exam and closed my eyes and was surprised to see the message "Congratulations ......"

Below are some of my lesson's learned for the exam.

1. Started preparing about 3 months back but fast tracked it one month prior to the exam.
2. Read PMBOK 3rd. edition twice.
3. Read Rita's PMP Exam Prep twice.
4. Listened to PMP Prepcast Audio (This was a true savior for me)
5. Took Sample exams from PMP Fast Track (Rita),, Oliver Lehmann, Skillsoft and HeadFirst. The questions in the exam is situational and closely resembles to what Rita's Fast Track provides.
6. On Fast Track scored 80-85%, Super-PMP 69%, PMStudy- 71%.
7. Understood the ITTO's without memorizing them.
8. Try to focus on concept building and not cramming the answers of wrong questions as in the exam you will not find exact questions as given in book.
9. Do not take Professional and social responsibility chapter lightly. This may look easy but it can be confusing during the exam.

1. Learn more concepts and correlate them to your daily work.
2. Solve more questions first; and once you are getting answers correctly try to increase
the speed.
3. If you are getting more than 80-90% of marks, you are ready to go.
4. Prepare questions with mix of knowledge/process area.
5. Don't under-estimates questions to be simple (as they appears to be), as these are
from PMI and invested lots of research to test your level.
6. Try not to loose balance between the priorities of family, work and exam, as these
have direct affect on your preparation. Exam will never cost you more than family.
7. Don't be (feel) rich, as rich people may think of preparing for second chance at exam!

I would be more than happy to help anyone in need.

Good Luck to all PMP aspirants.

Ruchir Ghosh, PMP

1 comment:

Nathaniel @ pmp exam questions said...

This post is awesome! I am really thankful that you are posting lesson you've learned for the PMP exam.

It's great and very useful, indeed. Keep it up!re