Saturday, November 19, 2011

Reference Texts for preparing to take PMP exam

There are obviously numerous books one can use to prepare for taking the PMP exam. The two I have used the last several years for the classes I personally teach are:

Achieve PMP Exam Success, 4th Edition: A Concise Study Guide for the Busy Project Manager

by Margaret Chu, Diane Altwies and Janice Preston. Mostly good, a few mistakes (check for the errata), some questions a bit too simple. No new edition reflecting the latest "Scenario based" PMP exam.

PMP Exam Prep, Seventh Edition: Rita's Course in a Book for Passing the PMP Exam
Rita Mulcahy (Author). This text version is the only one I have heard about that seems to reflect the latest "Scenario based" PMP exam (although I have not reviewed the 7th ed.). One might keep in mind that Rita passed away prior to this edition being released, so the value of the 7th ed. over the 6th may be questionable.

Some folks like to use more than one text, but IMHO if you have taken a Certificate PM program one text plus the PMBOK is sufficient. I would give Rita's 7th ed. a bit of an edge considering the new PMP exam version.