Just to let you know that I have successfully passed the PMP certification exam. Thank you for your help in the matter.
I can share the following LL which are pretty basic and have probably been mentioned before. I did not have any surprise in the test.
1- There is plenty of time to finish the exam and review it
2- Pay attention to the wording: if the question asks for "which process" look for a process in the list of answers, same for input, output, etc. (most of the times, there is only one item that meets the requirement)
3- I personally believe you don't need to memorize all the ITTOs. You just need to be able to recognize them and point on which process they belong
4- You have to know your acronyms (CPFF, NPV, etc.)
5- You might have to do some algebra with the EV formula (it's quite basic)
6- You should have an idea on the sequence for the different processes (for example, that you should define the activities prior to creating the schedule)
7- You should know what the different QA/QC tools are and what they are used for as well as the difference betwen QA and QC
8- Don't neglect the Profesional responsibility section
9- Learn the correct terminology
10- Finally, I did not spend hundreds of hours studying. I don't think that I have an particularly superhuman memory. I think that you just need to be disciplined and plan your study time so that the data stay fresh in your memory. A little bit everyday with more intensive sessions every few days probably work best in my humble opinion.
Best Regards,
Michel Loignon